Let’s take a look at what it might be:
- You or someone you love may be faced with a life threatening disease
- You are going through the stages of grief
- You are facing serious family issues
- You are having relationship difficulties
- You have adolescent children in trouble with the law
- You are a victim of abuse
- You are experiencing chronic physical pain
- You have issues and challenges at work
- You suffer from phobias, anxiety or panic disorder
- You lack direction and clarity in your life
- Your bad habits are sabotaging your success
These are just a few of the areas where I can be of great help, guidance and support for you.
When you can start to open your eyes and see light at the end of the tunnel, the path will be cleared again so you can discover your full potential.
I’m Yvonne Rose and my client centred approach has helped my clients to overcome the thoughts and feelings that have held them hostage for years, maybe even decades.
Your life was meant to be lived with energy and purpose, free from the emotional limits and burdens placed upon you.
With my help you can transform negative emotions like sadness, anger, jealousy or regret into empowering ones, so you can be more joyful, fulfilled and on purpose.
Take a look around, see what I offer and then click here to contact me. Together we can get you to where you were meant to be.
You Have Your Choice of 6 Types of Therapy to Bring Your Life to a New Level of Healing and Awareness
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Cogntive Behviour Therapy (CBT) is a therapeutic method where the therapist and client work together to help bring immediate and lasting change. The more the client practices and uses the process, the faster things will change. Because CBT is based on the assumption that all feelings arise out of thoughts which, very simply put, means as you learn to recognize your thoughts, you will then have the power to change and reframe the thoughts, which will then changes one’s feelings. I love this therapy as it puts the emotions squarely on the shoulders of the client and thus the power for change.
To learn more click here.
Emotional Freedom Technique
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is growing more popular and mainstream every day.
People all over the world are experiencing the profound benefits of this emotional, needle free version of acupuncture.
EFT is based on remarkable new discoveries regarding the connection between your body’s subtle energies, your emotions, and your health. Some amazing results have been reported in thousands of cases covering a huge range of emotional, health and performance issues.
Whatever you may be going through right now, chances are good that EFT can help. To see some specific examples of the power of EFT in action click here.
Hypnotherapy and NLP
Hypnosis allows your brain to relax as it enters a Beta level of functioning. As you focus on yourself in a deeply relaxed state you are able to put the critical, intellectual part of yourself to one side in order to let new and empowering ideas seep in is the study of human excellence and what works for people who are the best in their fields.
Neuro Linguistic Programming is another extremely effective solution to a wide range of problems, giving users a new, more permanent and positive outlook on their lives.
Anxiety, Panic and Stress Relief
Panic disorders, generalized anxiety and chronic stress can be debilitating, crippling and devastating to your life. So many areas of your day to day existence are negatively affected and it’s a very slippery slope to despair, depression and serious health problems.
Medication helps but it’s not the long term solution. I can give you more workable relief that will last longer and make a bigger, more positive impact for you and those you love. Click here to learn more.
Art Therapy
This is an established form of psychotherapy which facilitates self expression and self awareness through the use of art materials and the creative process.
The artwork becomes a visual expression of the person’s underlying driving forces, hopes, motivations, fears and blocks.
Art Therapy has unique benefits for children, adolescents and the elderly, so click here to learn more about your unique situation.
New Decision Therapy
Having studied New Decision Therapy (NDT) since 2002 and completed all three levels of training, I have used NDT to help people who have been grieving over the loss of loved ones; adolescents dealing with anger issues; women who have had abortions; and people with cancer and other debilitating illnesses.
These and many other issues can be worked through. As a Certified Instructor I’ll use proven techniques to quickly get to the core of your challenges and give you the tools and guidance you need to forge new pathways to a brighter future. To see how this works click here.